I would like to invite the public to come and see a working sculpture studio this weekend. It is part of the South Australian Living Artist program .Come and enjoy the sculptures on display and have a wine and nibbles while you are here.
Opening times are 11;00am to 4:00pm this Saturday and Sunday, 20th and 21st August 2011.
Follow the signs on the gate. All welcome.
The venue is at 20 Greenway Drive, Surrey Downs 5126 SA.
Refining the face |
I am working on a bust of Mary MacKillop and it is progressing nicely.
I have been working on the face and a crucifix which she will eventually hold.
Smoothing the face with a wet brush. |
I always work the head without hair first and the last addition is the hair but in this case she will have a coif and veil covering her head.
I have made arrangements to travel to Melbourne to patinate the "Mary MacKillop" bronze for Sydney and the foundry and I will travel to Sydney to install the sculpture at Mary MacKillop Memorial Chapel in late September.
The commemoration and unveiling will take place on the 1st anniversary of Mary's sainthood on the 17th October 2011 at the Memorial Chapel, North Sydney.
Little 12 year old Dancer (Tribute to Degas) Bronze and Granite, 107cm |
This weekend the St Ignatius Art Show will take place at Norwood, SA with Ang and I both showing work , another great Art Show to see.The school holds a Gala Opening on Friday evening.
The two sculptures I have for sale will be "Little 12 year old Dancer" and "Nude Torso"
Nude Torso, Bronze;steel, 70cm. |
Please note all images are copyright.